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We are a referral website. We do not have any Videos, DVD’s or USB drives to sell yet. We do have 1000’s of Erotica film listings. Our specialty is vintage porn from the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s. Our offerings span from the start of the first birth control pill era in 1960 to the start of AIDS in 1980.

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We are Alpha Beta Media Studio. Be sure to type our studio name in the search bar of Adult Empire, HotMovies or Adult Empire unlimited because that is where our movie listings are displayed. We get a small $ renumeration if you purchase our offerings on their websites. If you purchase from our website we use Bitcoin. We prefer Bitcoin because Bitcoin is a daily payment system while the referral system is monthly payment. Groceries, gas and meds are a daily occurrence requiring a constant flow of cash. Thank you for your support.

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